State of Stock & Shareholders

The state of major shareholders

Names of shareholders Number of shares owned (shares) Ratio of shares owned (%)
Kosuke Abe 4,044,100 62.90
Tomoki Miyairi 201,000 3.12
Trust & Custody Services Bank, Ltd.
(securities investment trust account)
137,000 2.13
Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd.
(trust account)
127,900 1.98
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd.
(trust account)
127,200 1.97
Mio Toshikawa 78,300 1.21
Fuyo Abe 66,000 1.02
Hiroshi Okazaki 66,000 1.02
Keiichi Abe 59,000 0.91
Yoshiko Abe 42,000 0.65

(As of the end of March 2019)


Distribution by owners (ratio of shares)

The end of Sep. 2018 The end of Mar. 2019 The end of Sep. 2019
Individuals/others 87.51 91.80 89.88
Financial institutions 8.90 5.15 6.27
Other domestic corporations 0.46 0.27 0.30
Securities companies 2.11 1.36 1.95
Foreign corporations, etc. 1.02 1.42 1.60
Government/local public entities 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Distribution by number of shares owned

Number of shareholders (person) Ratio of shareholders (%)
Less than one (1) unit 110 3.73
One (1) unit or more, but less than five (5) units 2,164 73.43
Five (5) units or more, but less than ten (10) units 343 11.64
Ten (10) units or more, but less than fifty (50) units 275 9.33
Fifty (50) units or more 55 1.87
Total 2,947 100.00

(As of the end of September 2019)

Changes in number of shareholders

(Unit: person)

The end of Sep. 2018 The end of Mar. 2019 The end of Sep. 2019
2,827 3,146 2,947