Trends in total number of issued shares, capital, etc.

Date Change in the total number of issued shares (in share) Balance of the total number of issued shares (in share) Change in capital (1,000 yen) Balance of capital (1,000 yen) Change in capital reserves (1,000 yen) Balance of capital reserves (1,000 yen)
January 6, 2014 (Note 1) 300 1,965 45,000 156,750 45,000 106,750
February 6, 2014 (Note 2) 25 1,990 5,000 161,750 5,000 111,750
March 11, 2014 (Note 3) 197,010 199,000 - 161,750 - 111,750
March 24, 2014 (Note 4) 1,850 200,850 3,700 165,450 3,700 115,450
February 1, 2015 (Note 5) 5,824,650 6,025,500 - 165,450 - 115,450
June 24, 2015 (Note 6) 300,000 6,325,500 105,570 271,020 105,570 221,020
From April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017 (Note 1) 45,000 6,370,500 3,015 274,035 3,015 224,035
From April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018 (Note 1) 3,000 6,373,500 201 274,236 201 224,236
  • This is an increase due to stock acquisition rights being exercised.

  • This is an increase by a third-party allocation (allocated to the Managing Director of the company).
    The issue price is 400,000 yen and the amount incorporated into capital is 200,000 yen.

  • One share was split into 100 shares as of March 11, 2014, increasing the total number of issued shares by 197,010 shares.

  • This is an increase by a third-party allocation (allocated to a director, an audit & supervisory board member of the company and an external collaborator).
    The issue price is 4,000 yen and the amount incorporated into capital is 2,000 yen.

  • One share was split into 30 shares as of January 1, 2015, increasing the total number of issued shares by 5,824,650 shares.

  • Public offering for sale (using the book building method)

    Issue price: 765 yen
    Subscription price: 703.80 yen
    Amount incorporated into capital: 351.90 yen
  • Due to stock acquisition rights being exercised between April 1, 2018, and May 31, 2018, the total number of issued shares increased by 7,500 shares, and capital and capital reserves each increased by 502,000 yen.